This page will go over the Input API namespace.
isKeyBindForwardDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindForwardDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Forward movement key (defaults to W) is down.
isKeyBindBackDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindBackDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Back movement key (defaults to S) is down.
isKeyBindLeftDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindLeftDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Left movement key (defaults to A) is down.
isKeyBindRightDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindRightDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Right movement key (defaults to D) is down.
isKeyBindJumpDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindJumpDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Jump movement key (defaults to Space) is down.
isKeyBindSneakDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindSneakDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Sneak movement key (defaults to Shift) is down.
isKeyBindAttackDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindAttackDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Attack key (defaults to LMB) is down.
isKeyBindUseItemDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindUseItemDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Use Item key (defaults to RMB) is down.
isKeyBindDropDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindDropDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Drop key (defaults to Q) is down.
isKeyBindInventoryDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindInventoryDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Inventory key (defaults to E) is down.
isKeyBindChatDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindChatDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Chat key (defaults to T) is down.
isKeyBindPlayerListDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindPlayerListDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Player list key (defaults to TAB) is down.
isKeyBindCommandDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindCommandDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Command key (defaults to '/') is down.
isKeyBindScreenshotDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindScreenshotDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Screenshot key (defaults to F2) is down.
isKeyBindTogglePerspectiveDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindTogglePerspectiveDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Toggle Perspective (more known as the Third Person) key (defaults to F5) is down.
isKeyBindFullscreenDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindFullscreenDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Full Screen key (defaults to F11) is down.
isKeyBindSpectatorOutlinesDown(): Boolean
isKeyBindSpectatorOutlinesDown(): Boolean
Returns whether the Spectatour Outlines key is down.
isKeyDown(key): Boolean
isKeyDown(key): Boolean
The LWJGL ID of a key.
Returns whether the specified key is down. To get the ID of a key, refer to this table.
isButtonDown(button): Boolean
isButtonDown(button): Boolean
The LWJGL ID of a button.
Returns whether the specified mouse button is down.
isMouseDown(button): Boolean
isMouseDown(button): Boolean
Mouse button int.
Returns whether the specified mouse button is down.
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