
This page will go over the Render API namespace.

getCameraPosition(): Vector3

Returns a 3-dimensional vector that stores the camera position.

rectangle(x, y, width, height, color): Undefined

rectangle(x, y, width, height): Undefined

rainbowRectangle(x, y, width, height): Undefined

centeredRectangle(x, y, width, height, color): Undefined

centeredRectangle(x, y, width, height): Undefined

roundedRectangle(x, y, width, height, radius, color)

roundedRectangleOutline(x, y, width, height, radius, thickness)

Renders a rectangle. Names are self-explanatory.

renderItemIcon(x, y, itemstack): Undefined

Renders an item icon.

drawLine3D(xFrom, yFrom, zFrom, xTo, yTo, zTo, color, width)

drawLine3D(vectorFrom, vectorTo, color, width)

Draws a line from one position in the world to another.

smoothCamera(): Undefined

Smoothes the camera out on the Y position by not updating the camera Y position.

getMinecraftFontRenderer(): FontRenderer

getCustomFontRenderer(name, size, antialiasing): FontRenderer

getCustomFontRendererBold(name, size, antialiasing): FontRenderer

getCustomFontRendererItalic(name, size, antialiasing): FontRenderer

getCustomFontRendererBoldItalic(name, size, antialiasing): FontRenderer

Creates and returns a new FontRenderer object.

getEyeHeight(): Number

Returns the eye height.

getThemeColor(): Number[]

Returns the theme accent color.

getBackgroundShade(): Number[]

Returns the background color of Rise Elements, can be used to make your visuals match Rise's.

getDropShadow(): Number[]

Returns the bloom drop shadow color of Rise Elements, can be used to make your visuals match Rise's.

blur(callback): Undefined

bloom(callback): Undefined

outline(callback): Undefined

Applies an effect to a block of code.

Last updated