
This page goes over about the EntityLiving object. This object is based on Entity object.

This object is based on the Entity object.

Original methods

isAnimal(): Boolean

Returns if the entity is an animal.

isMob(): Boolean

Returns if the entity is a mob.

isPlayer(): Boolean

Returns if the entity is a player.

getHealth(): Number

Returns the entity health.

getMaxHealth(): Number

Returns the maximum entity health.

getHurtTime(): Number

Returns the entity hurt time.

getMaxHurtTime(): Number

Returns the maximum entity hurt time.

getLastHurtTime(): Number

Returns the previous tick entity hurt time.

getHeldItemStack(): ItemStack

Returns the currently held item stack of the entity.

isDead(): Boolean

Returns if the entity is dead.

Methods from superclass

isLiving(): Boolean

Returns if the entity is instance of LivingEntity.

getPosition(): Vector3d

Returns the entity position.

getLastPosition(): Vector3d

Returns the previous tick entity position.

getMotion(): Vector3d

Returns the entity motion.

getRotation(): Vector2f

Returns the entity rotation.

getLastRotation(): Vector2f

Returns the previous tick entity rotation.

getTicksExisted(): Number

Returns the amount of ticks the entity has existed for.

getEntityId(): Number

Returns the entity ID.

getDisplayName(): String

Returns the entity display name.

getInventory(): Inventory

Returns the inventory of the entity.

getDistanceToEntity(entity): Number




Another entity

Returns distance between this and another entity.

getDistance(x, y, z): Number




X position.



Y position.



Z position.

Returns the distance between this entity and the specified position.

Last updated